Peapods wallet tracker
Peapods top 100 wallet tracker, I will be keeping this list updated on cielo
is rbn starting some kind of trade farming? trading volume jumping up
The flippening 👀@aevoxyz
— Dovey "Rug the fiat" Wan (@DoveyWan) January 21, 2024
Many underestimate the power of having options and perps within a single dex, this will unlock new possibilities in structured prod, risk mgmt and trading strategy$AEVO = DYDX+ Deribit+ Paradigm. com + permissionless SAFT trading + exotic liquidity
Some thoughts on the recent batch of hot "next OHM" ponzis, now that we have some resemblance of the start of a bull market, and the BTC ETF news draws some attention, and midcurves might be slowly coming back onchain.
OHM was a golden standard for ponzi design in that it introduced game theory to the defi mid curves and drew in a massive amounts of exit liquidity: right curves build a protocol that left curves didn't even understand and just aped early starting a trend that drew in the mid curves, the mid curves thought that their "understanding" of the game theory would make them the better players but then in reality bagheld all the way down and became exit liquidity to the right curves and the left curves, ultimately becoming the yield.
I'm joking of course, wink wink. Now onto today's topic: Let's take a look at where the yield comes from.
Syncus documentation:
In Syncus, yield is is from an internal source: when you buy, sell, stake & unstake $SYNC, you get taxed and taxes goes to the treasury, then treasury is redistributed as staking rewrads. Yield comes from within the system.
I don't see any real innovation, except switching around where you get taxed as you move within the system (buy, sell, stake & unstake). On their documentation, it basically sums down to: eventually liquidity will come to zksync and we are building the biggest ponzi pool on zksync. (clearly liquidity didn't come so they are building on mainnet for now)
Blackrockfi documentation:
In Blackrockfi, the biggest change is "debase". It basically means if you are not staking your tokens, your token's value gets debased to a lower value. It's a tax on token holders, for them to become token stakers. Yield comes from within the system.
Debase/Rebase whatever base they call it, it just means protocol design forces you to hodl. We've seen how this works out a million times. There is no outside source of yield coming in, just the late guys paying the early guys.
Peapods documentation:
Peapods is the most interesting "next ohm" project I've seen. Because the yield doesn't come from within the system. You as a holder of PEAs never gets taxed or debased or forced to stake. Yield is from an external source: external arbitrage traders’ profit gets taxed, taxes flow into token holders through the form of token buybacks.
Pea token is a flat ERC20, no tax/rebase/debase weird stuff going on, it can be listed on any CEX and put into any AMM pool without effecting the system’s core loop: arbitrage, wrap/upwrap, tax, buyback.
Peapods is marketed as a ohm like ponzi, but there is actually substance to it.
Volatility Farming has a nice ring to it, the concept is easily digestible, hopefully it catches on with the mid curve crowds.